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Exam Code: E20-547
Exam Name: EMC (VNX Solutions Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators )
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Total Q&A: 203 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-02-27
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E20-547 (VNX Solutions Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators ) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which RecoverPoint configuration details can be presented in report format when using Data Protection
A. RPA configuration changes
B. Replication sets
C. Replication lag
D. Link state change
Answer: C
EMC answers real questions E20-547 study guide E20-547
NO.2 How many storage groups can a host belong to in an array?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
Answer: A
EMC E20-547 E20-547 E20-547
NO.3 What is the preferred method for partitioning VNX FC LUNs attached to a Windows Server 2008 R2
A. Disk Management
B. fdisk
C. format
D. vtoc
Answer: A
EMC E20-547 E20-547 test answers
NO.4 What is the CLI command to enable Access Logix?
A. naviseccli -h <SP_name> storagegroup -enable
B. naviseccli -h <SP_name> accesslogix -enable
C. naviseccli -h <SP_name> storagegroup -on
D. naviseccli -h <SP_name> accesslogix -on
Answer: B
EMC E20-547 E20-547 exam prep E20-547 exam E20-547 exam prep
NO.5 What happens when a reverse synchronization completes without Protected Restore Mode enabled?
A. Only the reverse-synchronized clone remains unfractured
B. Host writes to the source LUN are not mirrored to clone
C. The gold copy clone used for restore will remain as is
D. All clones will be fractured
Answer: B
EMC E20-547 E20-547 exam simulations E20-547 E20-547 study guide
NO.6 What will prevent a storage administrator from deleting a storage group?
A. The presence of LUNs in the storage group
B. The presence of MirrorView target LUNs in the storage group
C. The presence of MirrorView source LUNs in the storage group
D. The presence of hosts in the storage group
Answer: D
EMC exam dumps E20-547 E20-547
NO.7 An administrator tries to modify the quota settings on a CIFS share from a windows server 2003 host,
but the quota tab does not exist in the network drive properties. What could be a possible cause?
A. Exporting is implemented at the file system subdirectory level on VNX OE for File.
B. The user does not have administrator privileges on this share.
C. Quotas can be managed only with Windows Server 2008.
D. Windows users cannot modify the quota settings.
Answer: A
EMC E20-547 E20-547 E20-547 practice test E20-547 exam E20-547 practice test
NO.8 After presenting a LUN to a Linux host, which utility is used to configure a partition?
A. fdisk
B. Unisphere Server Utility
C. Unisphere Service Manager
D. Disk Management
Answer: A
EMC pdf E20-547 E20-547 answers real questions
NO.9 In a VNX series array, how does FAST manage data in a heterogeneous storage pool?
A. It relocates LUNs from one tier to another to improve performance.
B. It relocates more active data to faster drives and less active data to slower drives.
C. It relocates more active data from tier 1storage without users noticing the difference.
D. It acts as an application accelerator and relocates LUNs based on performance.
Answer: B
EMC E20-547 exam dumps E20-547 original questions E20-547
NO.10 What happens when a new CFS share is created using Unisphere and all available CIFS server check
boxes remain unchecked?
A. The VNX system prompts for selection of at least one CFS server
B. A global share Is created and served by the primary VDM
C. A global share is created and served by all CIFS servers residing on the Data Mover
D. None of the CIFS servers residing on the Data Mover serve the newly created share
Answer: D
EMC E20-547 E20-547 exam dumps
NO.11 Which Unisphere wizard can automatically allocate all available disk storage and present it as private
A. Backend Bus Reset Wizard
B. File System Wizard
C. Disk Provisioning Wizard for File
D. Celera Setup Wizard
Answer: C
EMC answers real questions E20-547 E20-547 E20-547 E20-547 test questions
NO.12 What does the acronym "CHAP" refer to?
A. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
B. Challenge Handshake Authorization Protocol
C. CLARiiON Handshake Authentication
D. Consistent Host Application Protocol
Answer: A
EMC E20-547 questions E20-547
NO.13 A file system has auto_extend enabled. If the file system size is greater than the extend_size value.
What will happen when the file system reaches its HWM?
A. The file system will not be extended
B. The extend size value cannot by less than the die system size
C. The file system is extended by the extend_size value
D. The file system is extended by five percent of its size
Answer: D
EMC questions E20-547 E20-547 exam prep
NO.14 When performing switch maintenance, a customer accidentally disconnects all network connections to
an active VNX Data Mover
How does VNX handle this situation?
A. The primary Data Mover remains active
B. The VNX always notifies EMC Customer Service of the problem
C. The active Data Mover immediately fails over
D. The active Data Mover fails over after 30 seconds of lost connectivity
Answer: A
EMC E20-547 exam simulations E20-547 E20-547
NO.15 Which failover mode must be configured to use vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI)
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
Answer: D
EMC study guide E20-547 E20-547 test
NO.16 At which RAID level are FAST Cache drives configured for VNX arrays?
Answer: B
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NO.17 If a source LUN is trespassed, what happens to a fractured cloned LUN?
A. The peer SP acquires the feature logs
B. The peer SP acquires the clone LUN
C. The peer SP acquires both the clone LUN and the feature logs
D. Neither the clone LUN nor the feature logs will be acquired by the peer SP
Answer: C
EMC E20-547 E20-547 practice test
NO.18 Which Unisphere storage role will limit a user to the administration of the file system checkpoints, LUN
mirrors, and replication manager tasks?
A. Data recovery
B. Administration
C. Data protection
D. NAS administrator
Answer: C
EMC E20-547 E20-547 demo
NO.19 Which Linux kernel supports dynamic LUN scanning?
A. 2.3
B. 2.4
C. 2.5
D. 2.6
Answer: D
EMC demo E20-547 exam simulations E20-547 questions E20-547 braindump E20-547
NO.20 Which criterion must be met before executing the storage pool -destroy command with Navisphere
secure CLI.
A. Complete removal of all LUNs from the pool
B. Complete removal of unused LUNs from the pool
C. Complete removal of large LUNs from the pool
D. Complete removal of empty LUNs from the pool
Answer: A
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