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Exam Code: 925-201B
Exam Name: Fortinet (Principles of Network Security and FortiGate Configurations)
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925-201B (Principles of Network Security and FortiGate Configurations) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/925-201b.html
NO.1 What is the valid ipsec phase 1 option
A. des
B. 3des
C. md5
D. sha1
Answer: A , B
Fortinet 925-201B 925-201B 925-201B
NO.2 What is the default protection profile ?
A. strict
B. scan
C. web
D. unfiltered
Answer: A , B, C , D
Fortinet 925-201B braindump 925-201B
NO.3 What is the valid address object in Fortigate unit ?
A. /
B. /
C. /
D. /
Answer: B
Fortinet test 925-201B test 925-201B 925-201B
NO.4 What is the valid IPS option ?
A. IPS signature
B. IPS anomaly
C. IPS engine
D. IPS list
Answer: A , D
Fortinet 925-201B certification 925-201B 925-201B
NO.5 What is the best way to implement Fortigate HA ?
A. connect corresponding interface to individual switch
B. connect all interface to the same hub or switch
C. connect corresponding interface directly using cross-over cable
D. connect corresponding interface directly using straight-through cable
Answer: A
Fortinet 925-201B exam 925-201B 925-201B original questions
NO.6 What are the valid option in web filtering ?
A. content block
B. url block
C. exempt list
D. script filtering
Answer: A , B, C , D
Fortinet questions 925-201B 925-201B
NO.7 What is the valid network in Fortigate
A. /
B. /
C. /
D. /
Answer: B, D
Fortinet exam simulations 925-201B 925-201B demo 925-201B
NO.8 What is valid router object of Fortigate unit ?
A. prefix list
B. route map
C. key chain list
D. access list
Answer: A , B, C
Fortinet 925-201B 925-201B 925-201B 925-201B test
NO.9 Which logging can enable when enable protection profile content log?
Answer: A , B, C , D
Fortinet 925-201B test 925-201B original questions
NO.10 Which of the following default factory setting is true about Fortigate unit?
A. internal:; http, https, ping, ssh access is enabled
B. external:; ping is enabled
C. internal:;https,ping,ssh access is enable
D. external:;ping & http is enable
Answer: A , B
Fortinet 925-201B 925-201B original questions 925-201B practice test
NO.11 What is the valid web script filtering option for web filtering ?
A. Java Applet
B. Worm
C. ActiveX
D. Cookie
Answer: A, C, D
Fortinet 925-201B 925-201B 925-201B exam prep 925-201B original questions 925-201B exam prep
NO.12 What service can protection profile protect?
A. ftp
D. http
Answer: A , B, C , D , E
Fortinet 925-201B certification training 925-201B 925-201B demo 925-201B
NO.13 Which one is the most efficient way to block MSN traffic by Fortigate unit ?
A. Use IPS module by applying protection profile
B. Use Antivirus engine
C. Use firewall policy
D. Use content filtering
Answer: A
Fortinet certification 925-201B 925-201B exam 925-201B exam prep 925-201B braindump
NO.14 What are the necessary procedure before using Xauth . ?
A. create user group
B. create firewall policy
C. enable IPSEC VPN
D. enable PPTP
Answer: A , B, C
Fortinet 925-201B 925-201B
NO.15 What is the valid method to fixup Fortigate interface speed&duplex?
A. via web GUI
B. via CLI
C. via auto update
D. via foritlog
Answer: B
Fortinet test answers 925-201B 925-201B exam
NO.16 What is the valid option of Fortigate HA schedule
A. none , hub , least-connection , round-robin
B. weighted round-robin , random , ip , ip port
C. switch , ip , ip port
D. priority , hub , least-connection
Answer: A , B
Fortinet 925-201B 925-201B 925-201B 925-201B dumps
NO.17 what is the valid ipsec pahse 2 option
A. des
B. 3des
C. md5
D. sha1
Answer: C, D
Fortinet certification training 925-201B 925-201B questions 925-201B exam prep 925-201B dumps
NO.18 Which command can show HA status ?
A. get system status
B. diag sys ha status
C. exec ha maga 1
D. get sys lic
E. config ha
Answer: A , b , ,C
Fortinet 925-201B 925-201B certification 925-201B test answers
NO.19 Which of the following statement about TCP MTU for Fortigate is true?
A. default MTU is 1500 bytes
B. For manual and DHCP addressing mode the MTU size can be from 576 to 1500 bytes
C. for PPPOE addressing mode the MTU size can be from 576 to 1492 bytes
D. default MTU is 1492 bytes
Answer: A , B, C
Fortinet certification 925-201B 925-201B dumps
NO.20 Which of the following firmware upgrade method will cause configuration reset?
A. WebUI
C. Fortimanager
D. interrupt booting procedure by CLI
Answer: D
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Fortinet certification 925-201B exam is one of the many IT employees' most wanting to participate in the certification exams. Passing the exam needs rich knowledge and experience. While accumulating these abundant knowledge and experience needs a lot of time. Maybe you can choose some training courses or training tool and spending a certain amount of money to select a high quality training institution's training program is worthful. IT-Tests.com is a website which can meet the needs of many IT employees who participate in Fortinet certification 925-201B exam. IT-Tests's product is a targeted training program providing for Fortinet certification 925-201B exams, which can make you master a lot of IT professional knowledge in a short time and then let you have a good preparation for Fortinet certification 925-201B exam.