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Exam Code: 9L0-062
Exam Name: Apple (Mac OS X v10.6 Troubleshooting Exam)
9L0-062 (Mac OS X v10.6 Troubleshooting Exam) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 A user drops a file into a folder named "my stuff" and sees this message:
"You can put items into "my stuff", but you won't be able to see them. Do you want to continue? Other
users with sufficient permissions will be able to use the items."
This means the folder's permissions have been set to ________.
A. read only
B. write only
C. read & write
D. execute only
Answer: B
Apple 9L0-062 exam 9L0-062 exam prep 9L0-062 exam simulations
NO.2 From the list below, select the new feature of the Security Pane in Snow Leopard.
A. The ability to use secure virtual memory.
B. The Firewall tab has been moved from Sharing preferences.
C. A setting to require a password to unlock each System Preferences pane.
D. The ability to add a delay to the required password after sleep or screensaver begins.
Answer: D
Apple answers real questions 9L0-062 dumps 9L0-062 9L0-062
NO.3 A customer with Snow Leopard finds that her MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009) no longer asks what to
do with blank DVD-Rs. Which troubleshooting steps should you try first?
A. Start from the Snow Leopard install DVD, then run System Profiler.
B. Start from an external USB or FireWire hard drive, then test for the issue.
C. Open System Preferences CDs & DVDs pane, then check for incorrect settings.
D. Try a known good blank DVD-R, if the issue persists then replace the SuperDrive.
Answer: C
Apple answers real questions 9L0-062 9L0-062 certification 9L0-062
NO.4 Your customer would like to create a back up his iMac's hard drive as a compressed and encrypted disk
image to an external hard drive. How can you accomplish this task when started from the Snow Leopard
Install DVD?
A. Open Restore from Backup and select the backup to disk image option.
B. Open Disk Utility, select the hard drive, then click the New Image button.
C. Open Disk Utility, select the hard drive, click the Restore tab, then select restore to disk image.
D. Open Image Capture, select the hard drive, select the compressed and encrypted options then click
Answer: B
Apple answers real questions 9L0-062 9L0-062 9L0-062 9L0-062 9L0-062 practice test
NO.5 At which stage of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard installation would a faulty installation DVD be
A. Target check
B. SMART check
C. Source check
D. Upgrade check
E. Compatibility check
F. Requirements check
Answer: C
Apple 9L0-062 answers real questions 9L0-062 exam dumps 9L0-062 exam simulations 9L0-062 9L0-062 certification
NO.6 Scott's Mac mini is hanging during startup at a blue screen. What built-in startup mode might resolve
this issue?
A. Verbose
B. Safe Boot
C. Single User
D. Target Disk Mode
Answer: B
Apple 9L0-062 9L0-062 9L0-062 test 9L0-062
NO.7 Which statement about FileVault is TRUE?
A. Once a user enables FileVault, it cannot be disabled.
B. FileVault can only be enabled on non-administrator user accounts.
C. There is no way to recover a user's data from a FileVault-protected account if the login password is
D. When a user enables FileVault, the user's home directory is transformed into an encrypted disk image
Answer: D
Apple test answers 9L0-062 test 9L0-062
NO.8 You go on site and find a customer's Mac Pro is hanging at loading the desktop. His external firewire
backup drive is not bootable, and he has misplaced his Snow Leopard Install DVD. The customer has a
spare MacBook Pro available, how can you use it to resolve this issue?
A. Restart the Mac Pro into Target Disk Mode, connect it to the MacBook Pro and open Console.
B. Restart the Mac Pro into Target Disk Mode, connect it to the MacBook Pro and use the Disk Utility.
C. Restart the Mac Pro into Target Disk Mode, connect it to the MacBook Pro and open System Profiler.
D. Restart the MacBook Pro into Target Disk Mode, connect it to the Mac Pro then attempt to boot from it.
Answer: B
Apple 9L0-062 braindump 9L0-062
NO.9 To use "Wake on Demand," both the computer requesting the Bonjour network service and the
computer providing it must be using Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Apple dumps 9L0-062 9L0-062 answers real questions
NO.10 Jill uses her MacBook late at night and occasionally has to restart. Despite having muted the speaker
volume the MacBook always boot chimes loudly after restart. What step should you try first to resolve this
A. Reset the SMC.
B. Reset the PRAM.
C. Reinstall Snow Leopard.
D. Repair disk permissions.
Answer: B
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