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Exam Code: CAT-221
Exam Name: CA (CA Clarity PPM v13.x Professional Certification Exam)
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CAT-221 (CA Clarity PPM v13.x Professional Certification Exam) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 The creation of a grid portlet requires a data provider. Data providers can be: (Choose three)
A. Filters
B. Events
C. Objects
D. Systems
E. NSQL queries
Answer: C,D,E
CA exam dumps CAT-221 questions CAT-221 CAT-221 CAT-221 demo
NO.2 In the CA Clarity PPM Process Engines event flow, what is the function of the Wakeup Signal?
A. Displays detailed Process Engines instance information
B. Triggers the Background Engine as soon an event is fired
C. Keeps track of all the executing process, controls the event flow, and helps manage the
Workflow Execution
D. Interacts with the CA Clarity PPM database on a consistent basis to proceed with the workflow
steps or instructions
Answer: B
CA CAT-221 braindump CAT-221 certification training CAT-221 CAT-221 certification
NO.3 Which feature characterizes NSQL multi-dimensional queries?
A. The data provider is always an object.
B. The related portlets have a Y-axis subpage.
C. They enable more complex charts such as Donut charts.
D. They always include change_key and merge_key attributes.
Answer: B
CA study guide CAT-221 original questions CAT-221 practice test CAT-221
6. You need to export a single portlet that is contained within a dashboard. Which limitations do
need to consider? (Choose three)
A. The export will always be Fit to Page.
B. The Export to PDF option must be selected.
C. The Export to PowerPoint option will only permit 30 records.
D. The dashboard template must be Application Page Template.
E. The dashboard type must be Page with Tabs or Page without Tabs.
Answer: A,D,E
CA CAT-221 test questions CAT-221 CAT-221 demo
7. The CA Clarity PPM bundle includes CA Business Intelligence (CABI) software. Which features
characterize CABI? (Choose three)
A. Support for cached content
B. Component-based content development
C. A built-in INSolve Functional Intelligence QuickStart Pack
D. An InfoView Business Relationship Manager (BRM) module for complex report design
E. A built-in paging mechanism to help ensure the scalable delivery of large volumes of content
Answer: A,B,E
CA test CAT-221 CAT-221 CAT-221 CAT-221
8. Before saving a Generic Execution Language (GEL) script in a process, it is recommended that
A. Validate the GEL script
B. Remove all FTP Library tags
C. Delete all namespace declarations
D. Test the GEL script in a duplicate process
Answer: D
CA CAT-221 study guide CAT-221
9. Which technology is Generic Execution Language (GEL) based on?
A. Oracle Java
B. CA Clarity PPM
C. Apache Jakarta Jelly
D. SAP Business Objects
Answer: C
CA test answers CAT-221 CAT-221 certification
10. Out of the box, which object actions can you create in CA Clarity PPM v13? (Choose three)
A. Run a stock report
B. Link to Google search
C. Delete an active service
D. Run the Delete Investments job
E. Move tasks across or between projects
Answer: A,B,D
CA CAT-221 CAT-221 CAT-221
NO.4 To access the server page that lists the XML Open Gateway (XOG) invoke action web services,
you specify the following URL:
Which types of invoke action web services are listed here? (Choose three)
A. Process
B. Flush cache
C. Aggregate data
D. Productivity data
E. Synchronize external links
Answer: A,B,E
CA CAT-221 test questions CAT-221 CAT-221 test answers
NO.5 CA Clarity PPM v13 portlets
A. Can use an object, a system, or a query as a data provider.
B. Use multiple dimensions if created using an object data provider.
C. Include restricted portlets, such as the Action Item portlet, which only administrators can
D. Include new interactive functionality, which uses Microsoft Silverlight to build complex
Answer: A
CA test questions CAT-221 CAT-221 CAT-221 answers real questions
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