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Exam Code: DC0-260
Exam Name: Dell (Dell Certified Storage Networking Professional)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 65 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-31 is a website that specializes in providing IT exam information. The pass rate can achieve 100%. Which is one of the reasons that most candidates willing to believe the have been always concerned about the needs of the majority of candidates. We always with the greatest ability to meet the needs of the candidates .'s Dell DC0-260 exam training materials is an unprecedented IT certification training materials. With it, your future career will be rain or shine.
DC0-260 (Dell Certified Storage Networking Professional) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 How many LUNs are required for the Write intent Log (WIL)?
A. one per array
B. two per array
C. one per each mirrored LUN
D. two per each mirrored LUN
Answer: B
Dell practice test DC0-260 answers real questions DC0-260 exam prep
NO.2 In a Dell / EMC only Storage Area Network (SAN), SAN Copy requires which three of
the following? (Choose three)
A. Access Logix must be running on all participating storage arrays.
B. SnapView or MirrorView must be installed on the storage array running SAN Copy.
C. Either the Source or Destination logical units must reside on an array running SAN
D. The Navishere Host Agent does not need to be installed on all hosts that own LUNs to
be SAN copied.
E. All SAN Copy ports must be zoned correctly, in order for SAN copy to have access to
these storage arrays.
Answer: A, C, E
Dell pdf DC0-260 exam prep DC0-260 exam prep
NO.3 Which three statements about Navisphere Analyzer are correct? (choose three)
A. Navisphere Analyzer is included within Navisphere Manager
B. Navisphere Analyzer is optional software that can track performance trends on Dell /
EMC storage arrays.
C. Navisphere Analyzer allows you to automatically record, capture and display
performance data metrics.
D. Navisphere Analyzer can fine tune parameters of storage arrays, Identifying potential
bottlenecks, such as spindle count starvation within a RAID configuration and read/write
cache adjustments to increase performance.
Answer: B, C, D
Dell certification DC0-260 DC0-260 DC0-260
NO.4 Which LUN duplication method would have the least initial performance impact on a
source LUN To create and be the easiest and least costly to implement?
A. use SAN copy to copy the source LUN
B. mirror the source LUN to a second host
C. clone the source LUN, then mount it from a second host
D. take a snapshot of the source LUN, then mount it from a second host
Answer: D
Dell DC0-260 DC0-260 study guide DC0-260
NO.5 SAN Copy can be configured to
A. have simultaneous sessions between multiple storage systems
B. provide synchronous mirroring between multiple storage systems
C. allows UNIX hosts to copy LUNs to be accessed by Windows hosts
D. create copies of Source LUNs that are only 20% of the original size
Answer: A
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