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Exam Code: S90-19A
Exam Name: SOA Certified Professional (Advanced SOA Security)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 83 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-25
Nowadays in this talented society IT professionals are very popular, but the IT area are also very competitive. So many IT professionals through passing difficult IT certification exams to stabilize themselves. is websites specifically provide convenience for candidates participating in the IT certification exams.
S90-19A (Advanced SOA Security) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which of the following types of attack always affect the availability of a service?
A. Exception generation attack
B. SQL injection attack
C. XPath injection attack
D. None of the above
Answer: D
SOA Certified Professional S90-19A S90-19A practice test S90-19A braindump S90-19A
NO.2 ___________ is an industry standard that describes mechanisms for issuing, validating, renewing and
cancelling security tokens.
A. WS-Security
B. WS-Trust
C. WS-SecureConversation
D. WS-SecurityPolicy
Answer: B
SOA Certified Professional answers real questions S90-19A dumps S90-19A dumps S90-19A
NO.3 The use of XML schemas for data validation helps avoid several types of data-centric threats.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
SOA Certified Professional certification S90-19A S90-19A braindump
NO.4 Service A needs to be designed so that it supports message integrity and so that only part of the
messages exchanged by the service are encrypted. You are asked to create the security policy for this
service. What type of policy assertions should you use?
A. Token assertions
B. Protection assertions
C. Security binding assertions
D. Service A's security requirements cannot be expressed in a policy
Answer: B
SOA Certified Professional S90-19A exam S90-19A exam dumps S90-19A answers real questions
NO.5 Security policies defined using WS-SecurityPolicy can be used to convey which of the following
requirements to a service consumer?
A. Whether transport-layer or message-layer security needs to be used
B. The encryption type that needs to be used for transport-layer security
C. The algorithms that need to be used for cryptographic operations
D. The type of security token that must be used
Answer: A,C,D
SOA Certified Professional certification S90-19A S90-19A exam S90-19A study guide S90-19A
NO.6 Service A has recently been the victim of XPath injection attacks. Messages sent between Service A
and Service C have traditionally been protected via transport-layer security. A redesign of the service
composition architecture introduces Service B, which is positioned as an intermediary service between
Service A and Service C. The Message Screening pattern was applied to the design of Service B. As part
of the new service composition architecture, transport-layer security is replaced with message-layer
security for all services, but Service A and Service C continue to share the same encryption key. After the
new service composition goes live, Service A continues to be subjected to XPath injection attacks. What
is the reason for this?
A. The message screening logic can only work for Service C. Therefore, Service A is not protected.
B. Because message-layer security is being used, it is not possible for the message screening logic in
Service B to inspect messages without having the encryption key that is shared by Service A and Service
C. XPath injection attacks are not prevented by message screening logic or message-layer security.
D. None of the above.
Answer: B
SOA Certified Professional test answers S90-19A S90-19A S90-19A questions S90-19A braindump
NO.7 Which of the following can directly contribute to making a service composition architecture more
vulnerable to attacks?
A. Reliance on intermediaries
B. Reliance on transport-layer security
C. Reliance on open networks
D. All of the above
Answer: D
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NO.8 When designing XML schemas to avoid data-centric threats, which of the following are valid
A. The maxOccurs attribute needs to be specified using a restrictive value.
B. The <xsd:any> element needs to be avoided.
C. The <xsd:restriction> element can be used to create more restrictive user-defined simple types.
D. All of the above.
Answer: B,D
SOA Certified Professional braindump S90-19A study guide S90-19A S90-19A
NO.9 The use of session keys and symmetric cryptography results in:
A. Increased performance degradation
B. Increased reliability degradation
C. Reduced message sizes
D. None of the above
Answer: D
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NO.10 The Service Perimeter Guard pattern has been applied to help avoid denial of service attacks for a
service inventory. As a result, services within the service inventory are only accessible via a perimeter
service However, denial of service attacks continue to succeed and services within the service inventory
become unavailable to external service consumers. What is the likely cause of this?
A. The application of the Service Perimeter Guard pattern needs to be combined with the application of
the Message Screening pattern in order to mitigate denial of service attacks.
B. The perimeter service itself is the victim of denial of service attacks. As a result, none of the services
inside the service inventory can be accessed by external service consumers.
C. The Trusted Subsystem pattern should have been applied so that each service has a dedicated trusted
D. The Service Perimeter Guard pattern does not help avoid denial of service attacks.
Answer: B
SOA Certified Professional S90-19A S90-19A
NO.11 How can the use of pre-compiled XPath expressions help avoid attacks?
A. Pre-compiled XPath expressions execute faster and therefore help avoid denial of service attacks.
B. Pre-compiled XPath expressions reduce the chance of missing escape characters, which helps avoid
XPath injection attacks
C. Pre-compiled XPath expressions contain no white space, which helps avoid buffer overrun attacks
D. They can't because XPath expressions cannot be pre-compiled
Answer: B
SOA Certified Professional S90-19A exam prep S90-19A S90-19A test answers
NO.12 An alternative to using a ___________ is to use a __________.
A. Public key, private key
B. Digital signature, symmetric key
C. Public key, key agreement security session
D. Digital signature, asymmetric key
Answer: C
SOA Certified Professional S90-19A S90-19A study guide
NO.13 The application of the Service Loose Coupling principle does not relate to the use of security policies
as part of service contracts.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
SOA Certified Professional S90-19A test questions S90-19A S90-19A dumps S90-19A
NO.14 The Trusted Subsystem pattern is applied to a service that provides access to a database. Select the
answer that best explains why this service is still at risk of being subjected to an insufficient authorization
A. Attackers can steal confidential data by monitoring the network traffic that occurs between the service
and the database.
B. Because the Service Perimeter Guard pattern was also not applied, the database is not protected by a
C. If an attacker gains access to the security credentials used by the service to access the database, the
attacker can access the database directly.
D. None of the above.
Answer: C
SOA Certified Professional questions S90-19A S90-19A
NO.15 Service A's logic has been implemented using managed code. An attacker sends an XML bomb to
Service A. As a result, Service A's memory consumption started increasing at an alarming rate and then
decreased back to normal. The service was not affected by this attack and quickly recovered. Which of
the following attacks were potentially avoided?
A. XML parser attack
B. Buffer overrun attack
C. Insufficient authorization attack
D. Denial of service
Answer: A,D
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