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Exam Code: PEGACCA
Exam Name: Pegasystems (PRPC Certified CPM Architect)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 50 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-04-27
PEGACCA (PRPC Certified CPM Architect) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/PEGACCA.html
NO.1 When designing UI components, which of the following is NOT a best practice? (Choose One)
A. Know the standard screen resolution for end user desktops
B. Place required data entry so that the user can tab to complete them
C. Within process screens, use conditional displays
D. Use bold text and many colors to make important fields stand out
E. Avoid non-standard acronyms and abbreviations in captions
Answer: D
NO.2 Which one of the following CANNOT be configured using the CPM Configuration Tools Wizard?
(Choose One)
A. Dialog scripts
B. Suggested processes
C. Coaching tips
D. Association of knowledge content to a user screen
Answer: B
Pegasystems certification training PEGACCA certification PEGACCA questions PEGACCA
NO.3 True or False, To maintain backward compatibility with future CPM releases, you should not
override the workflows, flow actions, or sections used within CPM service items/processes.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Pegasystems test questions PEGACCA PEGACCA
NO.4 Which of the following would you configure in order to specify the subset of properties that
can be included within dialog scripts. (Choose One)
A. Interaction driver rule
B. Decision table rule within the dialog class
C. Data source rule
D. Map value rule within the dialog class
Answer: C
Pegasystems questions PEGACCA PEGACCA practice test
NO.5 Which of the following is NOT a best practice in CPM dialog management ________? (Choose
A. Dialog rules should be contained in a separate RuleSet from other configuration such as flows
and flow actions
B. Dialog scripts should contain what to say; not what to do
C. Dialog scripts should include references to customer data
D. CSRs should be encouraged to configure personal dialog scripts
Answer: D
Pegasystems exam simulations PEGACCA PEGACCA original questions PEGACCA practice test PEGACCA
NO.6 Which of the following steps is necessary in order to configure CPM portal search for an
external data source (such as account data from a legacy system)? (Choose One)
A. Enable PRPC work indexing on your system
B. Specify a search retrieval activity on the CPM data source rule
C. Modify the list view rule used for portal search to include your data source
Answer: B
Pegasystems original questions PEGACCA PEGACCA PEGACCA
NO.7 The text that displays to the user as the task name within a CPM Interaction Driver category
list is
__________. (Choose One)
A. The HeaderTitle field value that is defined within the service item class
B. The short description of the starting workflow for the service item
C. The short description of the Intent Task rule
D. All of the above
Answer: C
Pegasystems answers real questions PEGACCA PEGACCA demo PEGACCA
NO.8 Which one of the following is not a valid result type when using the CPM portal search
function? (Choose One)
A. Knowledge content rules
B. Service item work objects/cases
C. External data sources such as accounts or contacts
D. Workbaskets (work queues)
Answer: D
Pegasystems test answers PEGACCA exam dumps PEGACCA PEGACCA exam simulations PEGACCA PEGACCA
NO. 9 True or False, Flow-action-based dialog requires that a dialog rule be referenced from the
assignment and flow action within the workflow diagram.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Pegasystems answers real questions PEGACCA pdf PEGACCA practice test PEGACCA PEGACCA
10. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of suggesting processes to a user during a customer
interaction? (Choose One)
A. Reduced user training time
B. Improved user productivity
C. Improved customer satisfaction
D. None. All of the above are benefits
Answer: D
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Article Link: http://www.it-tests.com/PEGACCA.html