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Last Update: 2014-10-18
Exam Name: HCNP-Security-CISN (Huawei Certified Network Professional - Constructing Infrastructure of Security Network)
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NO.1 A man in the middle attack refers to an intermediate that sees the data exchange between
server and client. To the server, all messages appear to be sent to or received from the client; and to
the client all the packets appear to have been sent to or received from the server. If a hacker is using
the man-in-the-middle attack, the hacker will send at least two data packets as shown to achieve
this attack.
Which of the following packet 1 and packet 2 Field Description is correct? (Choose two answers)
A. Packet 1: Source IP Source MAC C-C-C The purpose of IP The purpose of Mac B-B-B
B. Packet 1: Source IP Source MAC C-C-C The purpose of IP The purpose of Mac B-B-B
C. Packet 2: Source IP Source MAC C-C-C The purpose of IP The purpose of Mac A-A-A
D. Packet 2: Source IP
Source MAC C-C-C The purpose of IP The purpose of Mac A-A-A
Answer: A,C
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NO.2 Which of the following are correct regading TCP and TCP proxy on the reverse source
detection? (Choose three answers)
A. TCP and TCP proxy detection can prevent reverse source SYN Flood.
B. TCP proxy acts as a proxy device. TP is connected between both ends, when one end initiates a
connection with the device it must complete the TCP three-way handshake.
C. With TCP proxy mode attack prevention, detection mechanism must be turned on.
D. TP reverse source probes to detect the source IP packets by sending a Reset.
Answer: A,B,C
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NO.3 The DHCP Snooping binding table function needs to maintain its binding table of contents
that include? (Choose three answers)
B. Vlan
C. Interface IP
D. DHCP Server's
Answer: A,B,C
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NO.4 In IPsec VPN with NAT traversal, you must use IKE aggressive mode.
Answer: B
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NO.5 From the branch offices, servers are accessed from the Headquarters via IPsec VPN. An IPSEC
tunnel can be established at this time, but communication to the servers fails. What are the possible
reasons? (Choose three answers)
A. Packet fragmentation, the fragmented packets are discarded on the link.
B. Presence opf dual-link load balancing, where the path back and forth may be inconsistent.
C. Route flapping.
D. Both ends of the DPD detection parameters are inconsistent.
Answer: A,B,C
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NO.6 SSL works at the application layer and is encrypted for specific applications, while IPsec
operates at which layer and provides transparent encryption protection for this level and above?
A. The data link layer
B. Network Layer
C. Transport Layer
D. Presentation Layer
Answer: B
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NO.7 IP-link probe packets will be sent to the specified IP address by default when the probe fails
three times, enabling this interface if the main link fails.
Answer: A
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NO.8 A SSL VPN login authentication is unsuccessful, and the prompt says "wrong user name or
password." What is wrong?
A. The username and password entered incorrectly.
B. There is a user or group filter field configuration error.
C. There is a certificates filter field configuration error.
D. The administrator needs to configure the source IP address of the terminal restriction policy.
Answer: D
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