
HP0-J40 latest HP certification exam questions and answers published

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Exam Code: HP0-J40
Exam Name: HP (Designing HP StorageWorks Solutions)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 100 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-23

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NO.1 Which technology enables support of multiple traffic classes over a lossless Ethernet fabric?
A. Fibre Channel over Ethernet
B. Converged Enhanced Ethernet
C. Data Center Bridging
D. Shortest Path Bridging
Answer: B

HP   HP0-J40 test questions   HP0-J40

NO.2 Which best practice should be suggested when designing an iSCSI Storage Area Network?
A. limit parallel iSCSI sessions to 500 to achieve optimal performance
B. separate iSCSI traffic from all other network traffic
C. implement separate VLANS for each database application service
D. team 1Gb/s networks to achieve optimal performance
Answer: B

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NO.3 When talking to a CEO about service availability, which feature of HP Storage Essentials SRM should
be positioned by the consultant?
A. SRM solutions are designed on the SMI-S industry standard for storage network management.
B. Big-picture view monitors and reports on a variety of business applications.
C. Big-picture visualization automatically discovers and maps the storage network.
D. SRM monitors utilization of the host, switch, and array.
Answer: B

HP test questions   HP0-J40   HP0-J40   HP0-J40

NO.4 A customer has Microsoft clusters presenting multiple TB of data as file services. The customer is
looking for a technology approach to simplify the data lifecycle management of that large amount of data.
Which HP Storage Essentials SRM tool would help the customer to quickly identify disk space that can be
recycled, pinpoint critical files that should be replicated, and more accurately implement Information
Management initiatives?
A. Backup Manager
B. NAS Manager
C. File System Viewer
D. Provisioning Manager
Answer: C

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NO.5 for application disaster recovery, which type of local replication permits rapid recovery of applications?
A. capacity free snapshot
B. snapclone
C. consistency group snap
D. traditional snapshot
Answer: B

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NO.6 Which management protocols are used to gather basic information from the system, such as the type
of system (server, workstation, or printer) and serial number? (Select two.)
Answer: AC

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NO.7 What is the main function of core or director switches?
A. provide support of multiple traffic classes over a lossless Ethernet fabric
B. provide inter-switch links for any-to-any connectivity
C. provide Fibre Channel over IP and iSCSI connectivity
D. provide user ports for connecting servers and storage systems
Answer: B

HP   HP0-J40   HP0-J40 answers real questions

NO.8 Which encryption type is used for securing data in transit over IP networks?
A. Advanced Encryption Standard
B. Internet protocol security
C. crypto processing engine
D. Storage Media Encryption
Answer: B

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NO.9 A potential customer is experiencing massive data growth in the past year and is no longer meeting
their backup window. The customer's current environment consists of approximately 30 ProLiant servers
utilizing Backup Exec and a SCSI attached LTO2 autoloader.
After a number of meetings, the consultant presents the design of a D2D4112, an MSL8096 with HP Data
Protector. The customer likes the solution, but is concerned about how their staff will cope with the new
concepts and the transition to the new solution.
What should the consultant recommend to the customer for a smooth transition to the new equipment?
(Select two.)
A. hands-on training during implementation
B. handover session after the installation
C. formal classroom training on the new products
D. as-built configuration documentation
E. solution presentation
Answer: AC

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NO.10 Which component handles file locking in a traditional file servicing infrastructure?
A. majority node
B. file server
C. witness file share
D. quorum disk
Answer: B

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