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Exam Name: Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (CLSSGB)
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CLSSGB Exam Dumps Total Q&A: 200 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-09-15
Exam Name: Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB)
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CLSSBB Exam Cost Total Q&A: 227 Questions and Answers
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NO.1 The difference between the largest observation and the smallest observation in the data set is
known as the _______________.
A. Breadth
B. Range
C. Spread
D. Median
Answer: B
NO.2 The 80:20 rule is associated with which of these tools?
A. Pareto Chart
B. Simon's Cross-Functional Tool
D. Framing Tool
Answer: A
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NO.3 As a type of measurement error, Linearity describes a change in accuracy through the
expected operating range of the measurement instrument.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
7. The purpose of a Process Map is to identify the complexity of the process and to assist in
identifying critical steps in the process.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
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8. The generation of a Regression Equation is justified when we _____________. (Note: There
are 4 correct answers).
A. Expect the relationship to be Linear between the output and inputs
B. Know that there is a non-linear relationship between output and input(s)
C. Need to understand how to control a process output by controlling the input(s)
D. Experience several process defects and have no other way to fix hem
E. When it is very expensive or too late to measure the output
Answer: A,C,D,E
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9. The following Business Case is constructed properly.
"In business unit A there are too many flashlight returns and flashlight sales have decreased by 25
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
10. The Empirical Rule is important because it provides an estimate of the probability of an event
occurring depending on the Standard Deviation from the Mean.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
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11. Fractional Factorial designs for an experimental approach are used when ____________
about the multiple metric interaction in a process.
A. Much is known
B. Little is known
C. We don't care
D. Data exists
Answer: B
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12. Lean had its origins in the development and practice of the ___________ Production System.
A. Honda
B. Toyota
C. Ford
D. Motorola
Answer: B
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13. In the late 1980's William Smith coined the name Six Sigma for a methodology that had its
origins at __________________ for quality related work being done there.
A. Honeywell
B. Allied Signal
C. General Electric
D. Motorola
Answer: D
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14. Which of these statements describe an undesirable situation when implementing SPC? (Note:
There are 2 correct answers).
A. The lower Control Limit for the R chart is equal to zero
B. The Control Limits are wider than the customer specification limits
C. A process is in Statistical Control before implementation of SPC
D. Attempt to use SPC for tracking transaction times at a warehouse
E. Indication of the specification limits on the Control Chart
Answer: B,E
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15. As part of a Visual Factory plan Kanban cards are created and utilized to identify areas in
need of cleaning and organization.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
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16. The ____________ is important because it provides an estimate of the probability of an
event occurring depending on the Standard Deviation from the Mean.
A. Shewhart Principle
B. Pareto Rule
C. Mean/Mode Spread
D. Empirical Rule
Answer: D
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NO.4 The very best way to begin an effort to map a process is to do which of these?
A. Interview the process owner
B. Interview the manager of the department
C. Walk the actual process from beginning to end
D. Take pictures of the factory floor at each shift
Answer: C
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NO.5 After a Belt has put data through the smoothing process which chart would be used to look for
trends in the data?
A. Moving Average Chart
B. Multi-Vari Chart
C. X bar Chart
D. Pareto Chart
Answer: A
NO.6 Examples of Mistake Proofing for a laptop computer include which of these? (Note: There are
2 correct answers).
A. USB connection for a mouse
B. Open/Close button for CD Drive
C. Battery alignment pins
D. On/Off switch for computer
Answer: A,C
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